Fri 04 March 2016

Filed under programming

Tags flask python

A couple of weeks ago I decided to add social login buttons to a small web-page. I am usually wary of "frameworks" and "plugins", and usually only use them sparingly. I do use Flask for web-development though.

For a change I decided to give flask-social a chance. Turns out that one is based on flask-security so I had to ditch flask-login and that's where the fun started.

Flask Security

First, flask-security enforces that user and group DB table have an id column. Historically, the PK in my DB is the email address though. Even "simulating" an id column using a property did not work. Took me a while to figure out the problem as all errors are silent.

Eventually gave up and added an auto-incrementing id for both tables anyway. That made it work. So yay...

Flask Social

This was the worst minefield. For the most part because the documentation is wrong. Starting off from their "getting started" section of version 1.6.2 won't get you working social logins. There are several issues:

  • Not all mentioned modules are Python 3 compatible (flask-social being one of them).
  • The installation of the social "providers" is not completely doable via pip. Not all packages are available on pypi.
  • The profile route breaks as some connections may become None. This is easily fixed by some conditionals.
  • Removing a social connection does not work as the associated route does not allow the DELETE method. The only workaraound I found was an XhrIO call.

All in all, the solution is simple. But getting there was not trivial. For two reasons: One, beaker signals make it hard to follow the flow of the applications, and two, flask-social uses *args and **kwargs exessively. The latter makes it really hard to reason which parameters get passed on to which function.

My (current) solution


This document should be read as a companion to the current Flask-Social docs in case you want to get it to work on Python 3. The official docs are here:

After much fiddling around, I came up with the following solution. It still requires a lot of cleanup, but at least, this is a working solution.

Assuming you have flask-security properly configured, these are the steps to follow:

  • For Python 3, install flask-social from my github branch (You may want to check first if the pypi version has since been updated):

    pip install
  • Again for Facebook login with Python 3, install the Facebook API from github (and check pypi first of course):

    pip install
  • ... the same goes for python-twitter:

    pip install git+
  • The google provider seems to be fine.

This should get you set up for Python 3. On to the next step...

Application Setup


Something not well documented:

In case you need to pass on different OAuth scopes (f.ex.: getting e-mail addresses from Google accounts), you need to set the 'request_token_params key for your social provider:

app.config['SOCIAL_GOOGLE'] = {
    'consumer_key': '...',
    'consumer_secret': '...',
    'request_token_params': {
        'scope': (' '
                  ' '


Data Model

As mentioned earlier, flask-social uses **kwargs in places. This causes problems with the rank argument. To fix this without modifying the flask-social code, you can just override the __init__ method of your Connection class to accept **kwargs as well. You then of course need to set the values as needed. You also need to add a relationship to your User class:

class Connection(DB.Model):


    user = relationship('User')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.user_id = kwargs['user_id']
        self.provider_id = kwargs['provider_id']
        self.provider_user_id = kwargs['provider_user_id']
        self.access_token = kwargs['access_token']
        self.secret = kwargs['secret']
        self.display_name = kwargs['display_name']
        self.profile_url = kwargs['profile_url']
        self.image_url = kwargs['image_url']
        self.rank = kwargs.get('rank')

Passing connections to your template

This is tivial. Some connections may be None. As such, you need to check those before calling get_connection on them. Additionally, you need to allow the DELETE method so you can remove connections. This seems to be caused by a redirect which is used internally in flask-social. This redirect happens after the connection has been deleted. So you will land on this endpoint, still using the DELETE method. I simply accept it here, and don't treat it in a special manner. This is not fully HTTP compliant, but at least it works:

@app.route('/profile', methods=['GET', 'DELETE'])
def profile():
    return render_template(
        content='Profile Page',
        twitter_conn=social.twitter.get_connection() if social.twitter else None,
        facebook_conn=social.facebook.get_connection() if social.facebook else None, if else None)

Talking about disconnecting. The flask-social docs use a FORM element with action="DELETE". This did not work for me and had to replace it with an XhrIO call (even though this uses closure, the gist should be understandable):

var disconnectButtons = goog.dom.getElementsByClass('social-disconnect-button');
goog.array.forEach(disconnectButtons, function(element) {,, function(evt) {
    var span = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(, 'span');
    var providerId = span.getAttribute('data-provider-id');
    var userId = span.getAttribute('data-user-id');
    var connectionURL = '/connect/' + providerId + '/' + userId;, function(evt) {
      var xhr =;
      if (xhr.isSuccess()) {
      } else {
        var alertDialog = new goog.ui.Dialog();
        alertDialog.setContent('Verbindungstrennung fehlgeschlagen.');
    }, 'DELETE');

In order to get a consistend look & feel, I used the same way for the login button and to create connections. This may seem hacky, but it's consisten in both source-code and UI. I had to use form submits in this case to get around the same-origin policy:

var loginButtons = goog.dom.getElementsByClass('login-button');
goog.array.forEach(loginButtons, function(element) {,, function(evt) {
    var form = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(, 'form');

var connectButtons = goog.dom.getElementsByClass('social-connect-button');
goog.array.forEach(connectButtons, function(element) {,, function(evt) {
    var form = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(, 'form');

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